View Full Version : Hair Follicle Drug Test - Moderate Marijuana Use

Apr 5, 2013, 01:18 PM
I have been offered a position at a Fortune 500 company and it is likely that the hiring process will entail a hair follicle drug test. I have used marijuana moderately over the last 3 or so months - I have maybe smoked a total of approximately 2 grams of marijuana during this period with long gaps between use. I am a 23 year old Caucasian male with brown hair and am 6'2" and 178 pounds. The test is likely not to occur for at least a few more weeks.

I have a few specific questions. First, is that amount likely to cause a positive result on a hair follicle test? I understand from posts by Dr.Bill and from outside research that these type of tests are really only effective at detecting regular and chronic use. I might also imagine that being on the skinnier side might help me out a little since I have less fat deposits that would store the THC metabolites, thus shortening the span of time that the metabolites can be deposited in my hair and possibly decreasing the amount of metabolites that would be retained in my body in general. Is this correct?

Secondly, I understand that THC metabolites continue to be deposited in your hair for about 7-14 days after you stop using marijuana. Would extra exercise or increased water consumption decrease the span of time or the amount deposited? My thinking is that the more THC that is excreted through sweat and urine during the few days after quitting, the less will be available to enter your hair. Correct?

Thank you for any help. I'm definitely feeling pretty stressed.