View Full Version : What dr I need to see?

Mar 11, 2013, 10:56 PM
41 yr old male blood in my sperm what can be wrong with me?

Mar 12, 2013, 03:52 AM
You can see any kind of doctor, or a urologist if you want a specialist.
Blood in semen doesn't have to mean anything serious and often stops on it's own, especially if you are about your age or younger.

Infection or inflammation in any of the glands, tubes, or ducts that produce semen. These include the prostate, urethra,
Epididymis and vas deferens (tiny tube-like structures where sperm mature before ejaculation), and seminal vesicles (which add more fluid to the semen).

STDs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, or from another viral or bacterial infection.

Trauma or medical procedure. Manymen may temporarily have blood in their semen following a prostate biopsy.

Radiation therapy, vasectomy, and injections for hemorrhoids.

Excessively rigorous sexual activity or masturbation, or other injury to the penis or testicles.

Blockage of the tiny tubes or ducts in the reproductive tract, causing blood vessels to break and release small amounts of blood. BPH, common in men over 40, causes the prostate to become enlarged and pinch the urethra, is also linked to blood in semen.

Mar 12, 2013, 06:07 AM
Please see a doctor; any MD will be OK for now. Blood can sometimes mean infection. Good luck.