View Full Version : Tenant rights.

Mar 18, 2007, 11:37 AM
If major repairs are needed and we had to spend some nights at a motel, should the landlord or manager be responsible for the cost of it.

Also if there are threats and harrasements, should that be dealt with right away or left for another time. Especially when we still need more repairs done.

Landlord does not think we have a right to get any refund for any kind of inconvienience.

We have been sick and had major problems with air quality due to mold growth and now. The work is supposed to be checked over tomorrow but nothing was done according to the work order from the building bylaw officer.

Thank you in advance.

Now do I sue the landlord or would that make my tendency even worse terms?


Mar 18, 2007, 12:51 PM
Get medical attention that documents health issues due to mold... then follow your state's notification laws for the landlord to correct the situation.

Mar 18, 2007, 01:05 PM
Check the contract you have about if there are provisions for if the property is uninhabitable. I know in my lease there is a clause saying my landlord has to provide altrnative accommodation for me if needs be.