View Full Version : Smoked 99 days ago African American female hair follicle test.

Jan 19, 2013, 09:52 AM
So I've done my fair share of research on hair follicle test. My test is Monday and it is now Saturday. I'm not a pot head by any means but since I'm African American and the metabolites are known to cling onto hair that is darker and more coarse I'm extremely nervous. I smoked a small amount about 99 days ago and before then I don't remember the last time I smoked. I have a job opportunity of a life time so I'm freaking out! I've bought the t-gel and t-sal and have even gone as far as using the baking soda and tide method. I've spent more hours on forums then I am willing to admit. I know a lot of people are going to post uneducated reasons as to why I would fail and for those posts save yourself some time and don't answer. I'm looking for someone to respond that sincerely knows what they are talking about. Thanks.

Jan 19, 2013, 10:11 AM
Just for clarification: Are you asking how to 'beat'/'cheat' the test or are you wanting to know what the chances of passing/failing are?

Jan 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
Just for clarification: Are you asking how to 'beat'/'cheat' the test or are you wanting to know what the chances of passing/failing are?

More so what my chances of passing are