View Full Version : Bumps on face and chest. Not pimples, discharging clear fluid. HELP!

Jan 5, 2013, 12:26 AM
I have small bumps under my skin on my face and one in the center of my chest. The bumps of my face (starting from largest to smallest) are located: one on left side of nose, right above my nostril. The second is in the crease of my nostril and cheek on right side of face. Third under right nostril. Fourth, right side of upper lip, between nose and lip. Fifth is on my chest, in the center of my chest bone.
There is little discomfort. It feels like I'm swollen in those area's. I had tried popping them like pimples but there is little or no puss. There is a discharge of clear fluid that comes out. Im consistently patting it dry. Tonight I had placed a hot rag on those area's hoping for the pressure to subside. Instead they got harder and the bump on the left side of my nose got a bit larger. I do not have medical insurance so I'm hoping someone has an idea to try a home remedy. It's super embarrassing while I'm working. I've been covering them up with make-up but I fear that the make-up with make them worse! HELP!