View Full Version : My trouble today

Jan 4, 2013, 09:54 PM
Today I went to an ER for rapid heart rate over 120 from what my home health care nurse said. I was having trouble with my high blood pressure as well. I started getting lightheaded. They did the protocol for heart attacks with nitro and some other stuff. I remember them giving me a med to slow my heart down. After the third nitro I finallt started feeling better. I was scared I was going to pass out so I told myself to stay awake. I also remember almost not being able to answer the nurse. They let me go and gave me some sheets and something for dizziness. Now I am very tired and my blood pressure is lower than it has ever been from the meds they gave me. I still have a heart rate over 90 even though I have been sleeping most of the time I have been home. I am scared a little, but I don't want to die because I missed something.

Rebecca Smith