View Full Version : What was that movie called

Jan 4, 2013, 05:33 PM
Okay I watched a movie its kind of like a dark fairytale type. From what I remember it was something to do with a forrest, there was a woman who lived in a cabin and these people came to stay there. The owner of the cabin had made a deal with the forest to make herself appear younger ( unless she looked in a mirror, and to grant her safety. There is a couple who had a baby and an old witch had stolen it the mother is faced with trying to find her child and when doing so she comes across a tree the witch is sitting down and the woman starts attempting to climb the tree which has bassinetts on it, in search of her child. There is another part where some of the people enter a room which has a bunch of different doors in it.

I know this isent much to go on I've been searching all over for the movie but cannot remember the title the only thing I know was it was played on the space network after the grimms snow white.