View Full Version : Why does my 10 week old puppy want to attack me

Dec 30, 2012, 03:55 AM
We have an adorable 10wk old labrador retriever yellow her name is Rubie, she has been a pleasure so loving and playfull and still is most of the time although she has these moments were she will just pounce at us growling and biting HARD its really frightening and your reaction is to tell her off we try not to as this makes her worse it only lasts a feww minutes but she's like a different dog we have tried ignoring but it hurts so we have to get her off and get away we tried standing still but she just gets her teeth right in to us we continue to put a chewy toy or bone in to her mouth in place of us as this gets her off to give us enough time to get away but seems a bit like a reward, we have been advised not to use crate as punishment ? But have had to do this a few times please help

Dec 30, 2012, 06:17 AM
I've never had a dog that bites THAT much, but generally you yelp loudly, pull away and completely ignore her. It may mean ignoring her a lot but she will hopefully eventually realize that the fun ends when she makes you cry out.