View Full Version : Urgent Help Needed

Dec 26, 2012, 12:12 PM
I have been throwing up and experiencing very watery diaarhoea since 12am, it is now 5am and I still have gotten no rest or relief from the symptoms. I also have a severe headache and hot/cold symptoms.
I have thrown up roughly 10-11 times in this time frame, and it is just green and yellow bile that is coming up after the first two times.
I have been sipping water and I have taken an immodium tablet.

I don't know what is wrong with me, and I am wondering if this is serious enough to go to the hospital or doctors for.

Dec 26, 2012, 01:58 PM
If it hasn't started improving by tomorrow start planning for a visit to a doctor... if you still have it this bad on day three definitely has someone take you to an ER... diahreah that long can seriously deplete your body of needed electrolytes and fluids to the point of becoming dangerous...

If you can get someone to pick up some pedialyte for you or a similar product it may taste like hell but it can put back at least some of them.

YOu might need something stronger than over the counter antidiahreals... but see if things are not improving by tomorrow first.