View Full Version : Leg cramp

Dec 16, 2012, 06:25 PM
I just had a terrible leg cramp, not the typical leg cramp when you stand on it, it goes away. This leg cramp was in my thigh. It locked up my leg for several minutes and I felt like I was going to pass out. Is this normal?

Dec 17, 2012, 05:19 AM
We can't diagnose on the internet. I would suggest that, since it almost made you pass out, you should make a doctor's visit asap.

Dec 17, 2012, 07:20 AM
How old are you? I'm 66 and getting more leg cramps as I age.
There are leg cramp OTC pills that contain quinine, as well as prescription ones. The same quinine you get in tonic water from the grocery store. I've never tried any of them.

2 years ago the FDA put out a warning against quinine for leg cramps, despite the use for a hundred years. Many doctors are upset about this warning because they feel it is based on a very little number of cases that resulted in problems.

Discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist. No one here is going to advise one way or the other. I just try to stay warm, hydrated, limber, and try not to sit or lie in one position for very long.