View Full Version : Why do medical professionals lie about painful tests?

Dec 13, 2012, 05:50 PM
After many years of life and many medical procedures and tests where the doctor, nurse, technition etc. assured me "don't worry, this won't hurt"... it did in fact hurt, and hurt a lot too!!
My rule of thumb now is, if they say it won't hurt... it will hurt
If they say it will hurt a little... it will be unbearable.
On top of this they refuse to give the appropriate pain medication to make you comfortable so it won't hurt...
So, all you medical people... why do you lie, and why don't you give the right medication so it isn't painful??

Example: colonoscopy... goes from being unbearable torture to very manageable with the right pain medication, or sedation. Everyone benefits... and more people will do the test.

Dec 13, 2012, 05:51 PM
Why don't patients speak up and ask for pain meds, especially if they have been burned once?