View Full Version : Knee problem

Dec 13, 2012, 01:12 PM
Hi I was playing soccer with my friends the one day and I dove to save the ball and I as went to get back up quickly it felt as if my knee got out of its normal position. It hurt really bad and then instead of getting back up I stayed down and it went back my knee cap doesn't hurt but the inside side of my knee hurts and can't bend well. Ater about 2 weeks since this incident my knee is able to bend almost fully but not completely and still had some pain what could have happened?

Dec 13, 2012, 01:42 PM
You had a sprain or a strain... and luckily nothing worse. A week or more is the usual time to get past those.

I've hyperextended my knee before twice... both times those set unprecedented levels on the person pain meter.

Dec 13, 2012, 06:05 PM
Should I go see a doctor because this happened about 4 weeks ago or not? Also during a soccer game maybe 2 months ago a kid went cleats up and hit my hip with the cleat. I played on but with pain and then afterward my hip began to really hurt. The next game I got hip checked by some really skinny kid and that one I really felt it I could not run without pain or walk at times and it wasn't good. It turned red and really hot and purple I put on icy hot on it. Till today it hurts at time and I try to strecth it out but it causes pain. I try to put pressure on it and it feels like the muscle or tissue is really squishy but then there's like a boney feeling that seems cracked. I don't know what it could be any ideas?

Dec 13, 2012, 06:34 PM
Would not hurt... but you really should have done that when it happened a month ago. At least you will have the benefit of a doctor who can examine you in person. There is no substitute for that.

Certain types of injuries are important to diagnose and attend to BEFORE healing starts...