View Full Version : Second hand smoke & drug tests

Dec 5, 2012, 04:49 AM
I was at a party like 3 weeks or so ago and when I went outside there were some people smoking pot. I walked by them & came back by, on the way back I didn't see any smoke but I could smell it. And the second time there were some people smoking and I was about 10 feet or so away. I was there about 10-15 minutes I guess. The closest it got to me was when they passed it to the guy 3 people over from me, he was 5-8 feet away I guess. And that's all I was around it. With that being said, is it possible for me to fail a urine or hair test?

Dec 5, 2012, 04:51 AM
No but if you are on probation, being at that party can, so if anyone there turns you in would be a worry

Dec 5, 2012, 07:24 AM
I'm not on probation & I don't have to worry about getting turned in. but are you 100% sure about that? The reason I'm worried is because I may be getting offered a job that requires me to pass a urine & hair test. This is really important to me.

Dec 6, 2012, 09:57 AM
If you don't smoke pot, you shouldn't worry. The small amount you may have inhaled is likely to be processed out of your system, by the time you are tested. Just don't go to any parties between now and your test. I know a friend who use to party on Fri and got tested on Monday, w/o testing positive. (... don't know what kind of test.)