View Full Version : Mineralis

Nov 13, 2012, 05:49 AM
I received a letter today (13/11/12) from this so called company informing me I had indeed won £3,500. All I had to do to receive the cheque was to place an order. I could order 30, 90 or 180 capsules at the stated price and choose to add a further £5 for ordering, £5 for speedy delivery and £5 for insurance against loss or damage. I had actually considered placing an order, however, I decided to check this so-called company out on the internet and my passing suspicions were confirmed. Surely this company could be accused of fraud because along with the information leaflet I received were statements, with their photos, from Dr Brinkmeyer, Cardiiologist confirming the benefits of using ViniferaFORTE, Dennis L an 81 year old gent, Hilda E of Paris 76 year old, W Rodenstock 72 year old, Rosemarie L, London 71 year old. They clearly make statements on the benefits and improvements to their health since taking this capsule. I would have assumed it would be far cheaper to go to a local health store and purchase an antioxidant formula at a much cheaper price or a supermarket and purchase bilberries! I am dumbfounded as to how these people can get away with such claims. I certainly won't be duped again and I'm thankful for this website which keeps people in touch with this type of thing.

Nov 13, 2012, 10:22 AM
It's a SCAM!!

Nov 13, 2012, 02:00 PM
Thanks I realised that too. I don't know how they get away with such things

Dec 20, 2012, 08:21 PM
I have received the same letter on 21.12.12. Im thankful I found your site because I was looking for info and the letter stated last reminder before your guaranteed prize expires. Which one? The free gift for ordering or the $5.800.00.
Well, I won't be fulled either.

Dec 21, 2012, 12:01 AM
They will close and go out of business before they are caught, or they really operate outside the country in a place with there is little law enforcement and seldom international enforcement for minor crime, remember they are just stealing a small about from you. Or they really delivery a product and the "free gift will be some small blooket or coupons or something.

Jan 19, 2013, 10:40 AM
I have won 30.000 from mineralis p.o.box 22017 NL:6360 AA Nuth.the netherlands... and I don't have to send money! even they tried to let me pay before.. but I send their letters in return anas aked cancle me... now they send this..? please can you help ? Are they scammers ore what? Thanks from marianne denmark... [email protected]