View Full Version : Broken foot vs sprain

Nov 5, 2012, 05:01 PM
So I think I sprained my foot but I'm not exactly sure. I'm really hoping that it isn't broken. I fell down the stairs and landed on my foot a weird way. I got up but it was so painful that I wasn't able to walk. This happened Saturday, and by Sunday morning I couldn't walk at all and it hurts a lot. I iced it and massaged my foot but that doesn't seem to be working. My foot is very swollen (on the top and the bottom is swollen and bruised) and I'm unable to walk. I have a boot thing to help support my foot and I also have crutches. I didn't go to see the doctor yet either. I'm planning on using the rice method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) today and if the swelling hasn't gone down by tomorrow I'll probably go to see my doctor. But either way, do you think my foot is broken or is it just sprained? I feel like the boot thing I used restrained my foot a lot because I had it on the whole day I went to school but took it off when I got home. I can move my toes but it's difficult for me to move my foot. If I do move it, most of the time it is painful. Please comment if you have any thoughts or suggestions on it, thank you!

Nov 5, 2012, 05:11 PM
Without an x-ray there's no way to tell whether you broke your foot or just sprained it.

If it is broken than waiting to be checked by a doctor is very dangerous.

See your doctor immediately.