View Full Version : I have been having stomach problems.

Oct 28, 2012, 03:33 PM
For the past month I have been having stmach problems. Such as blooting upset stomach diaherra mucus discharge from butt it sound nasty but I amso worried to make my stomach hurt. I eat OK but not the best I could I have been stuff up with so much mucus. It seems like everyday I am having different colored diaherra with slimy nasty mucus in it I am really worried what it could be I have been having major gas whenever I eat or drink I have to burp and the the burp taste like whatever I eaten earlier I feel yucky and having all these problems every day for this month. Can anybody here tell me what to do to help or what I should do and also I ama teen and its hard formeto get my parents to make me a doctors appointment. Please help

Oct 28, 2012, 03:41 PM
There's really no way at all to give someone a diagnosis online. The only option, if this is a concern, is to see a doctor.

Life would be so much easier if we could diagnose over the internet, or type in our symptoms and get one answer, not thousands of possibilities. But the fact is, there are thousands of possibilities, and listing them all won't help you at all. You need a diagnosis, which means you need to see a doctor.

Good luck.

Oct 28, 2012, 04:03 PM
Alty my I can not get a doctors appointment. Have you ever felt like this before? I am worried I have acne breaking out my ears are burning and I feel like like I want to die J am so sad and worried what is wrong with me.

Oct 28, 2012, 04:25 PM
Alty my I can not get a doctors appointment. Have you ever felt like this before? I am worried I have acne breaking out my ears are burning and I feel like like I want to die J am so sad and worried what is wrong with me.

If you can't go to the doctor than there's nothing you can do. There are literally thousands of things that could be wrong, and listing them all won't help you at all. It could be as minor as having a stomach virus, to having cancer or worse. Only a doctor can diagnose exactly what's going on.

Oct 28, 2012, 04:28 PM
Frankly kiddo, I think the better course of action would be to see a therapist about your fears, your hypochondria, your many issues. That would be the best thing for you mentally, and physically.


Oct 28, 2012, 04:37 PM
Omg what a help

Oct 28, 2012, 04:51 PM
Omg what a help

Sarcasm? I can't tell.

If it is sarcasm than I'd like to ask, what did you expect? Did you really think someone was going to post "OMG! I know exactly what you have, even though your symptoms are the same as thousands of other things. You just need to eat some salt, put a bandaid on your forehead, turn three times while whislting and you'll be fine! Now I could be wrong, but who cares, you don't want a real diagnosis, otherwise you'd go to a doctor, you just want a guess, and that's my guess".

Seriously kiddo, what did you expect us to do, say? We can't tell you what's going on, no matter how much we want to, and guessing could land us all in court, if it's the wrong guess. Frankly, I don't play those types of games, guessing one out of thousands and hoping I'm right, not my deal. I also don't play with my health, I see a doctor if there's something wrong, because that's the only way to find out what's going on. Anyone that doesn't, well, that's not very bright, is it?

The other thing I posted, about hypochondria, it's valid. You have 45 posts on this site, all of them have been about your health issues, the other post had to be closed because you wouldn't take "go to a doctor or stop obsessing about it" as an answer, you continued asking people to diagnose you, and we can't. Not won't! CAN'T! There's a big difference.

I meant what I said in your other post, I do care, but you have to want to help yourself as well, and right now I think the best thing for you would be therapy.

Oct 28, 2012, 04:58 PM
I can't go to the doctors what don't you understand I have s as parents what the heck do you want me to do I am not 18+ I can't just walk in doctors I am broke to what do you want me to do and you keep saying stuff to me if I annoy you so much you don't have to answer I don't know you you don't know what I am feeling like so stop tell me what the hell do you want me to do say I can't go to the doctors but who cares even though I could have something that could be simple or killing me I want to feel better that its not the worst possible thing

Oct 28, 2012, 05:04 PM
Do you attend school? If so, yes, you can go to the doctor. Tell a teacher or a school counselor, and one of them will make sure you see a doctor.

Oct 28, 2012, 06:03 PM
I can't go to the doctors what dont you understand I have s as parents wtf do you want me to do I am not 18+ I can't just walk in doctors I am broke to what do you want me to do and you keep saying stuff to me if I annoy you so much you dont have to answer I dont know you you dont know what I am feeling like so stop tell me what the hell do you want me to do say I can't go to the doctors but who cares even though I could have something that could be simple or killing me I want to feel better that its not the worst possible thing

You don't get it. We can't diagnose you. So what do you want us to do?

Let me put it this way.

You have two options.

1. Go to the doctor to find out what's going on.

2. Live with it and hope it goes away.

Those are your options. Neither one of those options includes anyone on the internet giving you a diagnosis. You seem to think that we're denying you something we can offer. We're not. We can't offer it. It's not possible. It would be like performing surgery over the internet. It can't be done, and neither can we do what you're asking us to do.

No matter how upset you get, or how badly you want to know what's going on, it won't change the fact that no one, NO ONE, can give you a diagnosis over the internet. Not even a doctor can do that. Do you understand that?

So what do you want us to do? What do you want to hear? Because what you're asking, it's not within our power.

Oct 28, 2012, 06:18 PM
As Wondergirl said, talk to your school nurse. Every school has some sort of health office. Even if the nurse isn't there every day, someone is in charge of sick children. They will get you the help you need.

Oct 28, 2012, 06:21 PM
As Wondergirl said, talk to your school nurse. Every school has some sort of health office. Even if the nurse isn't there every day, someone is in charge of sick children. They will get you the help you need.

We suggested that in his last thread. He saw the nurse and than still obsessed that he was dying, that the nurse was wrong.

This child has serious issues, and truth told, I'm wondering if that's why his parents refuse to take him to the doctor, because he has a new health issue every day and they can't afford daily trips to the hospital.

Oct 28, 2012, 07:06 PM
Grant? How is your throat? Did the pain ever go away?

The pain you experienced before with your stomach... is this the same pain or different?

Have you gone to the nurse again?

Everyone is right on here, there really is nothing we can do other than tell you to see a doctor.

Oct 28, 2012, 07:35 PM
Tell your parents that you fear that you are seriously ill, that you have had stomach issues including diareah and pain for a month, and that you are very worried. If they will not take you to a doctor, have a friend bring you to the hospital to the emergency room. Do not worry about paying for the appointment - just go and that can be worked out later.

It could be a lot of different things. I am not sure what situation you would be in where it would be hard to get your parents to take you to the doctor, but if your family is struggling financially, or your parents are not taking proper care of you, the stress could cause stomach upset from stress, even an ulcer or something like that. People can also have food allergies, which can develop throughout your life, or intolerance to lactose (in dairy foods like milk and cheese). It can be something more serious, too, so you can't ignore it.

If your parents won't take you to the doctor, consider confiding in another relative or adult that you trust, like a friend's mom. You don't have to tell them every embarrassing detail - just that your stomach has given you fits for a month and you are very concerned. The doctor needs all the details, and don't be embarrassed because they have heard it all - if they thought it was that gross, they would have chosen a different job.

Oct 28, 2012, 09:11 PM
have a friend bring you to the hospital to the emergency room. And the ER will not treat Grant as they will need parental permission to do so.

Grant, I am concerned about your multiple health concerns. They are not normal for a child of your age. It appears to be more like attention seeking behavior.

You will not get a medical diagnosis here as we cannot run the proper tests to do so.