View Full Version : Keloid or Bump?

Oct 20, 2012, 10:08 AM
Ok so I woke up and I have this bump on my cartilage piercing on my ear I don't know if it's a keloid or a bump some times white pus comes out!! My piercing isn't that old maybe a month or two. What should I do

Oct 20, 2012, 05:18 PM
Keloids don't usually develop overnight, it sounds to me like you have an infection. You need to take the piercing out and clean your ear with hydrogen peroxide. If its gets any worse or starts to feel painful or warm you'll want to see a doctor for some antibiotics. Don't put the piercing back in right away, give your ear time to recover. And when you do put it back in, make sure you clean both your ear and the piercing daily!