View Full Version : Spots

Oct 17, 2012, 05:25 PM
Last Tuesday like at 2 in the morning I noticed 3 strange bumps on my right cheek and 1 on left habd which later on become bigger. I'vr thought that this might be an allergy from taking advil cold and sinus (I have a flu)two hours before. BTW on Sunday I took 1 tablet of olfen.
So, on Tuesday I took I pill of panadol cold and flu morning cause I had runny nose. I discovered that day there are 2 little small bumps below my waist from the lefr side. Cause I could not sleep at night from the sound of my nose so I took panadol night on Wednesday 8 am. At the end of the day the 2 small bumps have become bigger. I stopped zll medications except my antibiotic Suprax 400 which I started 4 days ago and today Thursday I will tale the last pill. Couple hours later I noticed 2 small bumps.

All the bumps are very itchy... I do not no from what the bumps are coming. Is it from the various medicines that I took that contain paracetamol??