View Full Version : 16 Days Late - Spotting - Am I pregnant?

Sep 28, 2012, 06:25 AM
My periods around 16 days late now, and I had some spotting on tues, weds and a small bit yesturday (thurs)
Boobs are really heavy and nipples are super sensitive. Did a pregancy test a week ago and it was negative.
Also today, I'm having some really odd crampy aches... Like I'm hungry/period but not as bad.
What you reakon?
Also I should mention, I've gone super spotty lately and I NEVER get spots. My hair on my head has gone quite fine and frizzy too...

Sep 28, 2012, 06:42 AM
You are having symptoms that should not be there so early. So calm down you are thinking too much about being pregnant. Go to your doctor and have a proper pregnancy test.