View Full Version : All over body pain... help

Sep 25, 2012, 01:44 PM
For about the last two month or so I have been suffering from all over body pain. It feels like the aches when you get the flu except it's not going away. It's especially bad in the morning and sometimes if I nap it's awful after. I'm also suffering from extreme fatigue as well. My sleep the last couple of month has been not like it was. I am waking up a lot more during the night. The pain hurts everywhere but the worst in my knee area, calves, lower and upper back and in my elbows. I'm really confused as to what is happening but I know I'm too young to feel this way. I am 32 and currently work as a waitress. Being on my feet all day is getting rough feeling this much pain everyday. I'm seeking advice this way first I don't have health insurance and can't afford for doctors to run a billion test on me. Please help!

Sep 25, 2012, 02:54 PM
For about the last two month or so I have been suffering from all over body pain. It feels like the aches when you get the flu except it's not going away. It's especially bad in the morning and sometimes if I nap it's awful after. I'm also suffering from extreme fatigue as well. My sleep the last couple of month has been not like it was. I am waking up a lot more during the night. The pain hurts everywhere but the worst in my knee area, calves, lower and upper back and in my elbows. I'm really confused as to what is happening but I know I'm too young to feel this way. I am 32 and currently work as a waitress. Being on my feet all day is getting rough feeling this much pain everyday. I'm seeking advice this way first I don't have health insurance and can't afford for doctors to run a billion test on me. Please help!

It sounds like fibromyalgia - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fibromyalgia/DS00079

It's foolish and dangerous, though, to diagnose over the Internet. You really do need to see a Doctor. You are FAR too young to be working in pain. I waitressed my way through College and, yes, your legs (and entire body) take a beating.

Fibromyalgia is pretty much diagnosed by symptoms, not tests, so you might get away without spending a lot on tests.

Sep 25, 2012, 02:56 PM
It could be mono, it could be a thyroid condition, it could be because of the work you do. It could be around 100 different things, even more.

Fact is, we can guess, but we really can't tell you what's going on. Guesses aren't going to solve this. I really think you should get the money together and see a doctor. Is there anyone that can help you financially with this?