View Full Version : Industrial piercing!

Sep 17, 2012, 04:21 PM
Okay, so I got my industrial done about 2 days ago. I didn't really get it done in a tattoo shop, because I'm too young and nobody would do it. So instead my uncle done it. But I made sure he had a brand new needle and cleaned it with alcohol (and the bar).. The first day and night it hurt bad! I couldn't hardly move it. But the pain has gone away, and I can move it. My concern now is that it's gotten a lot redder and has swollen a bit more, especially on the top hole. It is sort of in the shape of a bubble, but I think it's just swelling. Is this normal to be pretty red and warm, or is it infected? I've been cleaning it with warm salt water, antibacterial soap, and using neosporin. Could someone tell me if it's infected, and if so what to do? Thanks. :)

Sep 17, 2012, 04:50 PM
Okay, so I got my industrial done about 2 days ago. I didn't really get it done in a tattoo shop, because I'm too young and nobody would do it. So instead my uncle done it. But I made sure he had a brand new needle and cleaned it with alcohol (and the bar).. The first day and night it hurt bad! I couldnt hardly move it. But the pain has gone away, and I can move it. My concern now is that it's gotten a lot redder and has swollen a bit more, especially on the top hole. It is sort of in the shape of a bubble, but I think it's just swelling. Is this normal to be pretty red and warm, or is it infected? I've been cleaning it with warm salt water, antibacterial soap, and using neosporin. Could someone tell me if it's infected, and if so what to do? Thanks. :)

No way to know if it's infected without actually seeing it.

If it is infected you need antibiotics.

I don't know where you go from here - your Uncle committed a crime. Is he a professional piercer?

Was this with the consent of your parents?

Personally, I saw the result of an infected navel. I would immediately go for treatment. That's just me.

Sep 17, 2012, 04:58 PM
Yes, my parents wrote him a letter giving him permission. I am taking Advil and antibiotics. And cleaning it, he is a professional piercer. The nly thing I'm worried about is that it's hot and red.

Sep 17, 2012, 05:11 PM
Are you certain that the antibiotics you are taking are the right kind of antibiotic for this type of infection?

Sep 17, 2012, 05:12 PM
Yes, my parents wrote him a letter giving him permission. I am taking Advil and antibiotics. And cleaning it, he is a professional piercer. The nly thing I'm worried about is that it's hot and red.

If you are under the legal age for piercings your parents cannot legally give you permission.

If you are taking antibiotics there is little else you can do but try to ride it out - obviously if it doesn't get better soon you will need to see a Physician.

Sep 17, 2012, 05:25 PM
The antibiotics I am taking is called cephalexin 500 mg. two in the morning, two at night. These are left over from my lip piercing. My lip did the same thing, but after taking the antibiotics and cleaning it, it eventually healed.

Sep 17, 2012, 05:47 PM
The antibiotics I am taking is called cephalexin 500 mg. two in the morning, two at night. These are left over from my lip piercing. My lip did the same thing, but after taking the antibiotics and cleaning it, it eventually healed.

How long were they "left over?" Drugs lose their potency. You also need to take the full course - 7 days, 10 days, whatever - to get the benefits. You should not have "left over" cephalexin.

Sep 17, 2012, 05:48 PM
I stopped taking them in July.

Sep 17, 2012, 05:49 PM
I stopped taking them in July.

And did you take the full course, as prescribed, or did you knock the infection down without "curing it" and it's been dormant in your body? And now it's active again - ?

Sep 17, 2012, 06:09 PM
I've had my industrial piercing for 2 days now. Is it normal for it to be swollen, red, and painful? The top sort of looks like a bubble. Infected??

Sep 17, 2012, 06:16 PM

You've already been told that it sounds infected.