View Full Version : Salt and Ice challenge scars

Sep 13, 2012, 08:45 AM
I did the 'Salt and Ice challenge' a couple of months ago, around May or June and I really want to know how to improve the look of my scar. I didn't know that it had any side affects so I did the challenge when two of my friends slept over at my house. All three of us did it and all of us had a bad affect but mine turned out to be worse. The ice cubes we used where semi-circles so I have quite a large circular scar on my arm. The night after the challenge my arm started to swell where the ice cubes was placed and I thought it felt numb for about a day. Its blistered and some of the scab was torn off by accident without me noticing during school. Ive been putting creams on it to try and help it heal better. I have been on holiday since the challenge and my scar tanned over but it tanned a shade darker than the rest of my skin so you could still see it but just not as much as before. Now I'm going back to my normal colour and so is my scar. Most of it has healed all right but still a fraction darker than my natural skin, but half of it is really pale. Please can someone tell me how to help the look of my scar? I really don't want to be scarred for life because of a stupid challenge. Someone please help me!

Sep 13, 2012, 08:57 AM
It's a scar. It will always be there. You can put an aloe vera cream on it to keep it soft and maybe help it blend in. It will look lighter than the rest of your skin when you get a tan. It will, over the years, shrink, but when you are in your 80s and in a nursing home, you can show it off and tell the story of your youthful silliness.

Sep 18, 2012, 11:56 AM
Thank you for the help, I'll see if I can buy some aloe vera cream on it as you said or ask my mum or someone any other useful creams to rub on it. I do currently have a watch and two bracelets on my arm covering up most of my scar but its just the fact it's there and will be there for a very long time puts me in a bad mood. But anyway, thank you for your help!

Oct 23, 2013, 03:35 PM
I did it too... (WORST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE).. and so it still has not gone away and I did the challenge about 1 1/2 yrs ago... First I did a month putting cocoa butter on it every hour and that did not help. Second month I let the scar rest and never put any thing on it again... What it looks like now is just a reddish-brown NOTICE-ABLE AND UGLY SCAR. I advise anyone looking to do the challenge NOT to because it hurts if you do it the ''RIGHT WAY''.