View Full Version : Constipation in Child

Mar 8, 2007, 06:24 AM
My son is 8 Months old. He is suffering from constipation problem since he was 5 Months old.

My doctor first prescribed: Sy. COLEX 1 Tee Spoon every evening.

Later on my doctor changed the prescription to : Powder: Looz 1 Spoon every evening.:confused:

My son is also suffering from gasatic problem.:(

Need some cure.


Mar 8, 2007, 07:10 AM
You really need to see your baby's doctor again and explain what is going on. If you are unhappy with that doctor, you have the option of choosing another doctor. If your baby is suffering from a gastric problem as well as constipation, there is something more going on. I hope you can see your doctor as soon as possible. I would ask why has this been going on for the past three months and no imporovement? Good luck to you and your baby.

Mar 8, 2007, 07:37 AM
I have to agree with Shy on this one. You need to get back with your pediatrician. I will even go one further and say that maybe you need to find a new one.

I, for one, do not feel comfortable giving advice of this nature regarding an infant. There could be many more problems of which we are unaware. Due to the child's age we could be damaging it's health by giving advice without knowing the child's full history and without doing a physical exam.

Please seek a second opinion regarding your child's health.