View Full Version : Will I pass an ETG test if I only had one drink?

Aug 20, 2012, 07:47 PM
Okay, so I got a DUI, and now I am on random breathalyzers and random urinalysis. Last Thursday was my 22nd birthday and I missed a standard urinalysis that day. (I was out of town and even though my phone said I had service, I never got a call.) Anyway, I drank a ton on Friday night... probably like 6 or 7 shots of Tequila, and two beers. When I got home from my trip, I was told that I missed a urinalysis, so I figured, no big deal, I have seen other people there pop hot or miss a few and they didn't really get penalized for it, everyone makes mistakes... I'll call in today (Monday) and explain what happened and ask if I can come in and take my UA.
Well, I called in, and I was told that I need to come in to take an ETG (which is NOT court ordered, but I guess I understand why they want to make sure.)
My question is, will I pass one tomorrow (Tuesday) if I had one beer Sunday night?
I'm not a drinker, I got a DUI because I had just turned 21 and I was dumb enough to drive after I had been drinking... Im more of stoner haha I have smoked a tiny bit during this process and I've always passed my UAs for THC using a comprehensive dilution method.
So, in a nutshell, my question is will I pass even after binge drinking Friday and drinking one beer on Sunday night, possibly using my dilution method? They don't test for creatine levels at my alcohol counseling establishment, they don't even care if my urine is practically clear, which it has been in the past, before I learned about using B Vitamins to add color.

Aug 20, 2012, 08:08 PM
The EtG created from one beer will be detectable for anywhere from 13-21 hours.

All labs check for creatinine.

Aug 20, 2012, 08:14 PM
The EtG created from one beer will be detectable for anywhere from 13-21 hours.

All labs check for creatinine.

Thanks for your reply, that makes me feel better!
But I don't take it at a lab, I take it at my court ordered alcohol counseling facility. They use the dipstick panels for UAs, which only test for temperature, and I've never taken an ETG before, but I can't say I'd expect them to use something highly reliable for those either lol

Aug 20, 2012, 08:48 PM
Thanks for your reply, that makes me feel better!
But I don't take it at a lab, I take it at my court ordered alcohol counseling facility. They use the dipstick panels for UAs, which only test for temperature, and I've never taken an ETG before, but I can't say I'd expect them to use something highly reliable for those either lol

All EtG testing is lab based. No instant tests available.

Aug 20, 2012, 09:07 PM
On Wednesday, I drank 4 flavored vodka shots (30%alcohol, 50ml each) and a four lokos (12%alchohol, 22oz) between 5pm-10:30pm, I had a urine ETG test at 5pm on Friday, I haven't drank for 3 months previous to this, I am a 32 y/o female, 165lbs. Will I pass?

Aug 20, 2012, 09:25 PM
On Wednesday, I drank 4 flavored vodka shots (30%alcohol, 50ml each) and a four lokos (12%alchohol, 22oz) between 5pm-10:30pm, I had a urine ETG test at 5pm on Friday, I haven't drank for 3 months previous to this, I am a 32 y/o female, 165lbs. Will I pass?

That is nearly 11 standard drinks (US). EtG clearance time for that amount of alcohol should be in range of 55-65 hours. Probably too little time.

Jul 8, 2013, 10:23 PM
Friday night I had drank 2 full beers.. I had 25 hours from the time I drank those beers and then I had a lab test. Will I pass that? I'm a 19 year old female, 5'6 and weight about 170ish