View Full Version : Could I be Pregnant?

Mar 6, 2007, 10:52 AM
My last period was on 12/18/06 I had a light not normal period on 1/17/07 but it has been 11 weeks since I have had a normal period I think that I could be pregnant but I have had 3 tests at the doctors office all coming back negative. I have been feeling kind of nauseous, tired all the time, head aches and noses bleeds, and my stomach has been getting a little bit bigger lately. The pants that I wore 2 weeks ago do not fit now. Are these signs of pregnancy, and even though I have had negative test results could I still be pregnant?I would really appreciate the help because I have been trying to conceive for about 6 months now and nothing seems to be going right.

Mar 6, 2007, 10:57 AM
It is possible that you are pregnant. You say you had tests at the doctor's office. Where they urine or blood tests?

What is your age?

Sometimes when we are trying to conceive we wish ourselves into pregnancy symptoms. Wishing and stressing comes with trying. Stress can play major havoc on our systoms. Stress could be causing this also.

Mar 6, 2007, 09:57 PM
The tests were urine tests, they said there was no reason for a blood test and I am 25 years old and I also don't think that I am stressingreally I still have time

Mar 13, 2007, 06:55 AM
My last period was on 12/18/06 i had a light not normal period on 1/17/07 but it has been 11 weeks since i have had a normal period i think that i could be pregnant but i have had 3 tests at the doctors office all coming back negative. i have been feeling kind of nauseous, tired all the time, head aches and noses bleeds, and my stomache has been getting a little bit bigger lately. the pants that i wore 2 weeks ago do not fit now. Are these signs of pregnancy, and even though i have had negative test results could i still be pregnant?i would really appreciate the help because i have been ttc for about 6 months now and nothing seems to be going right.
Hi I'm in the same boat. My last period was on the 3rd of feb I haven't come on since and I'm 11 days late. I have been showing signs of pregnancy like sickness, nosebleeds (I never have had 1 before!) tierdness, indegestion. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests but both came back negative. I really do not know what to think. You sound pregnant to me I think you should make an appointment at the doctors.