View Full Version : What else could be blackening my undereyes, lips, skin?

Aug 6, 2012, 08:03 PM
My derm lectured me to stop smoking, because I had to be honest and checked it off on the consultation questionnaire. I had asked for factual info, but was told to Google. I do have really dark pigmentation around my eyes and on my lips, but I attribute that to monobenzone and hydroquinone rebound and because when I stopped smoking for a long time, it didn't improve.

But, that got me thinking what else contributes to causing more pigmentation, more melanin in the skin. Does curry? Because I have smelled a strong odor from persons who appear to use lots of curry, maybe the spices, some of which I think I saw ingredients in herbal vitiligo oil, support a strong dark pigmentary system.

My mother says pepsi and other black colas cause you to get very dark. I laught at it but maybe there is some truth in caramel coloring causing darkening.

What else? Spicy foods? Red meat? Coffee? Alcohol. Let me know if you know. Thanks.

Aug 6, 2012, 09:46 PM
Probably everything you've listed. But you don't need to smoke or drink. Listen to your doctor! Quit it, quit it now