View Full Version : Who Owns House Now that Ex-Spouse Died?

Mar 5, 2007, 05:06 PM
1. Fifteen years ago when I divorced my husband, I signed a Quit Claim Deed.

2. He refinanced and paid me off. Last year, he paid off that refinance loan and went into a reverse mortgage agreement.

2. Our son (25 years old) lived in the house with his father, my ex-husband.

2. My ex-spouse just died last week, without leaving a will.

4. His two daughters (45 and 34 years old) from previous marriage are making claim on the house, insisting that it be sold asap and divided up per his estate.

5. Would my name still be on the Deed?

6. Would the house be sold only by my signature?

7. Does my son have a larger share of this property because he lived there?


Mar 5, 2007, 05:13 PM
If it is in a reverse mortgage, basically did he not get all of the money for the house, and basically the house goes to the lender at his death??

If it is not that type of mortgage, you of course have no legal interest in it at all, since you signed away that right on the quit claim deed

If the lender does not get the house, his children will all get equal shares, unless there is a will saying something else

Apr 27, 2007, 09:31 AM
1. Fifteen years ago when I divorced my husband, I signed a Quit Claim Deed.

2. He refinanced and paid me off. Last year, he paid off that refinance loan and went into a reverse mortgage agreement.

2. Our son (25 years old) lived in the house with his father, my ex-husband.

2. My ex-spouse just died last week, without leaving a will.

4. His two daughters (45 and 34 years old) from previous marriage are making claim on the house, insisting that it be sold asap and divided up per his estate.

5. Would my name still be on the Deed?

6. Would the house be sold only by my signature?

7. Does my son have a larger share of this property because he lived there?

Very good question. In my divorce I was to have sign a quick claim deed giving the house to my ex pending his requirement.. of course he did not, I did not sign and now he has sold the house. Do I have any legal rights, since you have a better understanding about this..

Apr 27, 2007, 09:33 AM
The last question was from ISABELLE1...