View Full Version : Hair drug test drbill

Aug 2, 2012, 08:42 AM
Dr Bill,

I have a hair test on Aug 9... I smoked one night on June 4... I see a lot of conflicting views on this topic... can you provide some posts or testimonials on here of people that have smoked 1 time in say a two month period that have passed? How can I be certain of this with so many websites saying everything is clearly seen in the hair, how confident can I be to take the test without shaving everything off? Do you have experience with testing infrequent users via hair tests? Have you tested people that were occasional one time users that in fact passed after 60 days? Please respond thank you.

Aug 2, 2012, 10:33 AM
Following are a couple of low dose examples from this site:

Smoked 2 times in 16 mon. Once 2 mon ago once 2 weeks ago. Both times were only 2 hits > LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/how-often-do-you-have-smoke-marijuana-show-up-hair-test-657780.html)

Smoked 3 or 4 times in feb & early march (about 4 puffs each time) about 105 days previous. > LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/hair-drug-test-680223-2.html)

Smoked was 20 days ago, where I smoked the equivalent of approximately 1 bowl, maybe less (so 7-9 hits I'd say is the range) > LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/question-drbill-infrequent-user-marijuana-hair-drug-test-646940.html)

Can't comment on what you might find on various websites. Recommend you stick with documented timed studies that have appeared in journals. The cases noted foregoing contain one or more links to such resources.

Aug 2, 2012, 11:28 AM
Few more questions Dr. I am a competitive jiu jitsu fighter I wear a traditional Judo kimono and wrestle in this.. I lose aprox 3 lbs of water per workout and take in an additional 120 ounces min a day back in I do this 3 to 4 times a week, I also swim 3 times a week for about 1ooo meter in a chlorine pool (aprox another 90 minutes of cardio a week) how much of an impact does this lifestyle have that tips things in my favor even more? If any... also logic would say the following... correct me sir if I am wrong..

1. Hair would keep a historical timeline of your drugs you used (Cannabis specifically and one time only 60 days ago). So technically one would assume with modern technology it would be an "all" or "nothing" scenario that their equipment is good enough to lift or detect ANY trace of THC therefore disqualifying you with a fail. Wouldn't any trace fail you not the amout please explain this cuase your examples discuss certain "levels" I mean a boss cares about any level right lol? Not a certain level. Wouldn't the testing lab clearly see the smallest trace and notify the client with a fail if finding drugs is the goal.

2. I have grown my hair out for about 2 months now close to the time of the event. I do not want to shave it I have done nothing with my body hair, should I shave everything off as a serious insurance measure? Could you share with me anything else that can ease my mind, I am a software engineer by trade and thus the exhausted evaluation sir ; )

Aug 2, 2012, 11:49 AM
1) Hair doesn't keep an historical record of drug use and that is particularly true for cannabis metabolites. THC doesn't count in hair testing. Only THC-COOH a later stage metabolite. COOH has to be present in significant quantity in order to be incorporated into hair. That requires repeated use so as THC/COOH accumulates in fatty tissue. Not incorporated... no record... no possibility of detection regardless of instrumental sensitivity. To expand on your analogy, it is never entered into the record. Commercial hair testing emphasizes the longer window of detection time but invariably fails to note that it is less sensitive to the drug registration and is therefore effective only in regular and heavy chronic users. Even then as relates to COOH hair testing detects only about 60% of the chronic users.

Some instruments, properly calibrated can detect even at the level of femtogram. Hair testing is performed at the level of picogram. But if the analyte isn't present neither sensitivity nor time interval is relevant. In addition, all labs follow cutoff guidelines. Any level below cutoff is negative. So not only must COOH be present it must be present above cutoff.

I never make recommendations in relation to personal actions to avoid detection. Just in relation to the elements of drug testing practices and procedures.

Aug 2, 2012, 02:26 PM
Going into the test as is huge position and promotion if you were a betting man doc what would you say my odds were that I pass lol ?

Aug 2, 2012, 02:27 PM
going into the test as is huge position and promotion if you were a betting man doc what would you say my odds were that I pass lol ?

Taking it in 1 hour... let you know how it goes : / motivate me doc!

Aug 2, 2012, 02:29 PM
If you smoked just that one time it is almost a certainty that you will pass.

Sure wish you the best and science is on your side.

Aug 2, 2012, 05:12 PM
Just took the test, how long you think it will take for the results to get back and does an employer usually call you for pass and or fail or only if you fail usually?

Aug 2, 2012, 07:47 PM
Hair testing is time consuming. Probably allow a week turnaround, maybe longer.

Don't know what individual employers may do.

Aug 3, 2012, 04:32 PM
Hair test results back they called me and... em... they... said...
Your not going to believe this!. I passed ; ) Dr. was right no BS! Wow impressive Dr. Bill thank you for the empirical evidence!

Aug 3, 2012, 04:47 PM
Good for you. Best of luck.

That is an extremely fast turnaround for a hair test! Must have been done locally and even then it was fast.

Aug 3, 2012, 05:13 PM
They sent me right down the street they cut my hair and piss tested HR called me today say A OK!

Aug 3, 2012, 05:16 PM
Dr. Bill you can keep this thread as a no nonsense NO BS testimonial, I smoked on June 4th 2012 and was tested Aug 2 2012.

I smoked a bowl of about 5 hits.