View Full Version : How do I get my guy friend to like me again?

Jul 17, 2012, 05:13 PM
I really like this guy. We dated before, but then couldn't see each other since we live a ways away from each other. I've tried to get over him, but I just can't. How do I get him to like me again?

By the way, we're still friends. I just feel like he's the one. Please help!

Jul 17, 2012, 09:07 PM
You sound young, he is not the one, you will get over him, find someone new, keep yourself busy, you can't make anyone like you, they either do or they don't.

Homegirl 50
Jul 18, 2012, 07:53 PM
You can't get someone to like you and the reason you broke up still exist, so what would be the point?
Get out and meet new people.
Stop talking to him so much, then you'll get over him.