View Full Version : Live-action '70s/'80s kids film with a minotaur(?) & glowing handprint

Jul 10, 2012, 12:12 PM
I've been trying to find this movie for decades and have struck out more times than I can count.

It was a fantasy story. I saw it sometime in the mid-'80s so it was probably from the '70s or early '80s. It's possible it was older but it was definitely color (and live-action; not a cartoon). I remember it as a full-length movie, but it's possible it was actually just an episode of a show, or even a short film. Everything seemed longer in those days!

The main character was a boy or young man who had to help his people find a new place to live. He might have been an elf or something like that. He went on a long journey into unknown lands to find a new home for them. There are two distinct details I remember:
1) at one point, he's in a cave/labyrinth/underground and is trying to escape from a beast (believe it was a minotaur). I think he was running across a narrow stone bridge and it was chasing him.
2) at the end, he reaches the stone doors that will lead him to the new land. But he's too late and they're closed. There's an imprint of a hand in the stone door. He places his hand on the imprint and it glows (green, maybe?) and the door opens. He's reached the new beautiful land where his people can now live.

It is definitely not Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story, or an episode of Jim Henson's Storytellers or Faerie Tale Theatre. I have watched all of those again on suggestion, but no luck there.

Please help... I am slowly going nuts trying to figure out what this is! I've been trying for years!!

Aug 16, 2012, 12:49 AM
Is it Quest (1984) ?


Aug 20, 2012, 01:02 PM
YES!! Oh. My. God. I cannot believe that you found it!! I was actually starting to wonder if I had dreamt it.

I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am right now. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :)