View Full Version : Says she wants to break up but might want to get back together

Jul 7, 2012, 09:58 PM
Ok we live together and we've been together for a year and a half. We had a fight yesterday that went into last nigh witch ended up fighting over who was staying in the apartment that we live in with two other people. End up just being to exghusted and sleeping in separate rooms and wake to her packing her things and leaving. She comes back to grab more stuff and I ask her if this is what she wants? Witch she says yes, I ask her if there's a chance? She says I don't know. She's pretty much got all her things except big stuff that won't fit in her car and thought she was leaving but she just lays on the bed not talking. I'm laying beside her and rubbing her back she just nods and shakes head to any question I have. What's going on? What do I do? Love her and want to keep her I've apologized and everything but there's been no progress. Does she still want me?

Jul 8, 2012, 09:23 AM
Clearly she doesn't know what she wants to be honest, try keep contact at a minimal... do things that allow you to focus on and not her or the relationship. Let her move out and give her the space she needs to figure out what's bother her.

How is she and how old are you?