View Full Version : Can a wrong breaker switch short out an ac

Jul 4, 2012, 07:29 PM
I had an electrician put in the wrong breaker switches in almost 3 months ago. About a week ago same day the electrical inspector was here; I lost power to 2 rooms and my ac shorted out. I had a diffirent electrician and 2 ac repairmen look at it and they both said it was the breaker switches. Do you think so too? Can this actually happen?

Jul 4, 2012, 08:44 PM
What do you mean by wrong breaker, wrong size or wrong type?
Also what do you mean by your ac shorted out? Do you mean the ac breaker tripped?
Are you talking about a central air conditioning system or a room air conditioner?

Jul 5, 2012, 03:19 PM
The breaker switches that he installed were the wrong ones. They were installed 3months ago. The inspector came and inspected them on April 5th 2012. He came back 3 months later & saw he had the wrong ones in there. So he called him & told him he needed to change them. That was the day after my central air burned out. I have no central air . I had to get a whole unit. The ac breaker tripped but it had a safety switch so my home did not start on fire. I'm just wondering if that was the cause of the burnout? Also the day it happened I had no power upstairs in my 2 bedrooms.

Jul 6, 2012, 08:43 AM
The switches were the wrong type. I don't think the inspector touched them, I think by the wrong type switches in the breaker box, it overloaded & burned out my ac. It triggered the other breaker switches & that's how I lost power to those 2 rooms & burned out my ac.