View Full Version : My past

Jul 4, 2012, 05:52 AM
I've known this girl for the past 4 years or so and she was literally like my soul-mate we clicked on every level and I just never seemed to get bored of her. In the time we knew each other we went through a lot of growing up/arguments/changes but always found a way back to one and other. When I look back now I see how bad for each other we were but it was kind of like an unconditional love.

Anyway about 3 months ago a lot of stuff came about things that had happened in the past and I told her the truth yardy-yar-yar cause I wanted her to be-able to move on and be happy instead of having no closure. We tried to be friends but it was far too hard so we said bye and left on good terms. Then this week I just thought I'd check up on her and see if she's happy just by looking at her Facebook etc and then I saw comments being made about things we'd spoken about and quite horrible things being said about me.

Then I thought to myself, why would she still feel the need to talk about me? Plus after us leaving it on good terms... why would she feel so bitter towards me? :(

I guess it's just been on my mind and I just wanted to hear someone else's opinion. I know I did the wrong thing checking up on her but I don't feel that resent/bitterness if ever I think of her I just want her to be really happy.

Anyway, thanks

Jul 4, 2012, 05:59 AM
First except for our God, there is no unconditional love, humans always have some limit, some conditions. Plus love for one another changes as we change, and is remembered differently as it gets longer in the past.

For her, you were the bad person in it, and that is how you will be remembered at least for the first year or two, then as time goes, memories fade, and she may remember only the good, or may turn more bitter and only remember the bad.

You want to find some relief and feel like you are forgiven, some closure perhaps, forget it, you may hear a lie if she felt like saying it, but best to move on

Jul 4, 2012, 06:31 AM
Why are you so concerned about what she says, or does? Maybe that's what bring her happiness, bad mouthing you. Leave her be, and her Facebook too! You want her happy, but that's up to her, not you. Leave it be.