View Full Version : My ex thinks I lied to him how do I get his trust back?

Jun 21, 2012, 06:19 PM
11 months ago I met the most amazing guy. We started dating for 7 months. I never lied to him or cheated on him. About 4 months ago we broke up because we fought a lot. We still talk every single day and basically we are dating but the only issue we have is he doesn't trust me.

The reason for him not trusting me is because he thinks I did things with another guy that I hung out with. The reason he thinks this is because the kid told him a lot of lies. My ex asked me if anything the kid told him was true so I told him the only thing we did was a short two second peck on the lips which my ex had already known a month prior to the kid telling him, but since the kid told him more happened than what really did my ex now doesn't trust me. All I want is for my ex to trust me and believe me that I would never ever hurt him. He still tells me every day that he loves me and how bad he wants to date me, but can't because he has no trust for me.

Can someone please help me?

Jun 21, 2012, 07:07 PM
You are supposed to tell a guy who believes the lies of some kid over you to get lost. He ain't that amazing is he? His trust issues are HIS problem, not yours so why act guilty and lose your dignity, and self respect?

Jun 21, 2012, 07:08 PM
Trust is not something easily earned. Why are you even bothering if he doesn't trust you. If you did do more with this "kid" then you deserve what you got. If you didn't, then what the heck are you doing?

Ever hear the saying, "Don't make someone a priority in your life, when you're only an option in theirs"

No trust no relationship sweetheart. Move on.