View Full Version : Can I pass a EtG test in 64 hours

Jun 18, 2012, 11:48 AM
I drank on Friday night probably 5 stiff drinks and 5 beers. I'm a very large man and I played basketball the next day for a few hours and drank a lot of water on Monday and urinated several times before my test. I tested at 3pm Monday what are my chances of passing?

Jun 19, 2012, 06:01 AM
i drank on friday night probably 5 stiff drinks and 5 beers. im a very large man and i played basketball the next day for a few hours and drank alot of water on monday and urinated several times before my test. i tested at 3pm monday what are my chances of passing?

All of the research in that range of consumption is based on BAC levels. There are no studies that deal with measured consumption. That makes the results vague and imprecise.

It is possible to pass an EtG in the 60-70 range following heavy drinking but detection is also possible in the range of 70-100 hours.

Wish I could be more helpful but the information isn't available. Following are 4 individuals from this site that have reported their results after testing. All involving 10 or more drinks and reported passing at the times indicated:

59 hours after last drink, 12 mixed drinks, M-44-210 lb.Cutoff 250 >LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/medical-science/etg-test-metabolism-622964-2.html)

55 hours from last drink, 15 drinks (3 bottles of wine), F-44-150 alcoholic >LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/etg-test-250-level-619164-2.html)

55 hours from last drink, 11+ drinks, M-204 lbs, 6' 2” >LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/pass-etg-554-hrs-656562.html)

61 hours from last drink, extremely heavy binge drinking on consecutive days, whiskey and beer. M 230 lbs, 6' >LINK (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/possible-pass-etg-test-61-hours-after-bingeing-646310.html)

Note that these are self reports and unconfirmed.