View Full Version : Child abandonment laws in Ga

Jun 12, 2012, 05:19 PM
I left town from may 8 to may 31 my child's father purchased me bus ticket and dropped me off at the station. I ended up staying longer than what I expected due to funicular issues but when I came home my child's father had emptied out our apartment, vandalized it and filed abandonment charges against me. I then tried 2 go see her and pic her up with the cops but once he showed the officer the paperwork he wouldn't allow me 2 take her. So what am I 2 do now?

Jun 12, 2012, 05:26 PM
ANY question on law needs to include your general locale as laws vary by area.

I doubt if he filed abandonment charges against you. He may have filed for custody, using abandonment as grounds, but that is a different thing.

You first need to find out exactly what he filed and where. Then you need to file in court to rescind whatever court orders were issued. You will need to prove that you went out of turn only temporarily with the full knowledge and consent of the father.