View Full Version : What classifies as misdemeanor class 1 in Georgia

Jun 12, 2012, 12:58 PM
A friend of mine just found out he violated his probation in Georgia with class 1 misdemeanor but doesn't understand how he was violated it. He hasn't been in trouble in 4 years and he served His time and paid all his court cost and haven't got himself in trouble in Georgia after he served his time. He called his probation officer and the only info he received was he has a class 1 misdemeanor warrant out for him and he violated his probation. My question is how serious is a class 1 misdemeanor and how much time can you spend in jail for it. And what arrestible offense that can cause you to receive a class 1 misdemeanor in Georgia?

How long would you think it would take for my friend to see the judge? I spoke to an attorney and he said because it's a warrant issued by the probation office my friend could be sitting in jail for 30+ day before he sees a judge for his probation hearing
Is it better for him to turn himself in to a police officer because he would be arraigned within 24 hr and get his disposition. Rather than turn himself in @ probation office?

AK lawyer
Jun 12, 2012, 01:14 PM
... My question is how serious is a class 1 misdemeanor and how much time can u spend in jail for it. ...

"§ 17-10-3. Punishment for misdemeanors generally
(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, every crime declared to be a misdemeanor shall be punished as follows:

(1) By a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 or by confinement in the county or other jail, county correctional institution, or such other places as counties may provide for maintenance of county inmates, for a total term not to exceed 12 months, or both;
(2) By confinement under the jurisdiction of the Board of Corrections in a state probation detention center or diversion center pursuant to Code Sections 42-8-35.4 and 42-8-35.5, for a determinate term of months which shall not exceed a total term of 12 months; or
(3) If the crime was committed by an inmate within the confines of a state correctional institution, by confinement under the jurisdiction of the Board of Corrections in a state correctional institution or such other institution as the Department of Corrections may direct for a term which shall not exceed 12 months."

... And what arrestible offense that can cause you to receive a class 1 misdemeanor in georgia? ...

Many things. Look at Title 16 (http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/gacode/Default.asp).