View Full Version : I am making a daily health checklist. Let's make it better!

Feb 27, 2007, 09:28 AM
Hey all!

First off!
Tell me if this kind of thing already existst here so that I can post there instead... if that is the case.

So here is the thing.
I am making a list of things to think about during a normal day.
Just a list that will make my life a little betetr and the people around me to apretiate me more.
And I came here to get sugestions and additions to the list!

Here it is:
• Start with an early morning and just take it slow, think about what you’re going to do during the day. And later, give people compliments; remember what they wear, what they’ve changed. Think more about the little things rather than just to concern about your own looks or behavior.

• Start your stretching focusing on your legs; also have a glass of water. Give this about 10 to 15 minutes.

• Check your calendar for what this day has to offer. Also check forward, can you complete a task right now?

• Think about your pose, it says more than you know. Press out your chest and feel like a king, vision the sun is sitting right in your chest.

• Not every day but now and then think about your life, are you happy? Give the people you love a compliment or a gracious gesture to show your appreciation for what they do for you.

Now... what more can I do to get a great start my day?

PS. I know it is very badly written but hey give me a break :P

Mar 1, 2007, 05:55 PM
Give every one a smile, doing something nice, like open a door, if someone on a line is a few cents short and you have it, back them up, try to show love no matter what!:)

Mar 3, 2007, 11:00 AM
Sweet point! :)
Anyone else! :)
