View Full Version : Regarding change of home after a persons death.

Apr 24, 2012, 07:53 AM
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu.
Its been a while(10 days) since my dad expired (may his soul rest in peace,ameen) and its been the most worst thing ever happened to our family. This tragedy affected my mum to no limits.
We stay in a colony where there are max. Number of hindus and countable muslims. And our relatives and near and dear 1'ns r at a great distance hence its becoming a problem for them to travel so long to show sympathy to my mother.
I cannot see her living alone as of now, because the only person close to her was my dad(r.I.p)
Therfore my question is can v shift our home to a place near to our relatives house because the tragedy which my mum went through is very big and worst! I know that v r not allowed to do thz for 40 dayz but are there any exceptions? Like there r nobody to console her and she needs help badly :'( please help... :'(

Apr 24, 2012, 08:13 AM
Have you discussed this at all with your mom first, we all grieve differently and at times being near the place where the loved one was at, helps more than having too many family and friends close.