View Full Version : How does some one with no job pay child support

Apr 12, 2012, 02:43 AM
My brother is hooked on drugs . Every time he he finds a job he looses it because he cannot let crack cocaine alone, He is a very intelligent person but he's trapped . He has struggled to pay child support, now he has no handyman work to do now they aere going to lock him up . My question is how do you incarecerate a person for not taking care of his child when he or she cannot take care o himself?

Apr 12, 2012, 03:38 AM
Then he shouldn't have fathered the child in the first place. However, he needs to go back to court to try and reduce the support order.

Apr 12, 2012, 09:05 AM
Do you think that your brother should get a free pass because he can't take care of himself? SOMEONE needs to pay for the upkeep of the child--why NOT his parents? I certainly don't want to pay more taxes because your brother couldn't keep it in his pants.

How does someone with no job pay child support? By realizing that their child is more important than drugs and straightening up and getting a job.

This is why I'm all for the sterilization of people who can't step up to be parents so that they do not have MORE children they cannot support because they're too interested in themselves.

Apr 12, 2012, 10:28 AM
Sorry your brother will get no "love" on this board, first it is the legal board and we can just tell you what the law is, Second the "love" will go to the child who deserves to be supported.

The legal issue, has he set the support to match his income, most states have a min amount due, which is often 40 to 50 dollars a month. Along with that, had he when he worked paid his amounts, he would not be behind. So why do you as his brother not just merely help him pay his support if it is such a concern for you?

A drug user ( why is he not in jail for that) that will not work or support his child. Sorry perhaps sitting in jail will wake him up.