View Full Version : Can I drink?

Apr 5, 2012, 02:09 PM
I recently starting using butrans pain patches 10mcg. Is it OK for me to drink in moderation?

Apr 5, 2012, 02:12 PM
No it is not recommended to drink on this medication

Apr 5, 2012, 02:17 PM
Can I drink in small amounts on the fenynal patches?

Apr 5, 2012, 02:27 PM
Yes as long as you have a doctor on speed dile

Apr 5, 2012, 02:29 PM
One of the noted precautions of this drug is to avoid alcoholic beverages. Fentanyl (http://http://www.rxlist.com/duragesic-drug/consumer-side-effects-precautions.htm)

Doctors however have varying opinions on the consumption of moderate amounts of alcohol so please check with the prescribing physician in your particular case.

Until then, it is wise to follow the general guidelines and recommendations as set forth above.

Apr 5, 2012, 02:33 PM
I've drank on methadone and nitro
Norco before without an issue. What makes this any different?

Apr 5, 2012, 02:34 PM
I've drank on methadone and Norco before without an issue. What makes this any different?

Apr 6, 2012, 02:22 AM
J_9... I called my pharmacist about drinking on Butrans patches. He said if it makes me drowsy it would only increase it. Other than that nothing. Just drink carefully just so you know if it is making you drowsy or not. How do you feel about that?

Apr 6, 2012, 02:24 AM
To DRBILL100 too

Apr 6, 2012, 03:24 AM
Referencing my foregoing post (#5, above) and that of J_9 (# 2, above) I readily defer to the judgment of your personal pharmacist while nonetheless adhering to the advice as provided as noted.

Thank you for your inquiry.