View Full Version : Scholarship for ethiopia

Mar 30, 2012, 03:45 AM
Hi.My name is desalew u.I'm 4th year student in hawassa university school of veterinary medicine.I have good GPA.Being veterinary student in Ethiopia is very difficult because it is not still recognized by the government as important field study even though ethiopia is a leading country by livestock population in africa as awhole.Don,t be surprised graduates of 2011 students are all with their family with out any job.Imagine how much it is difficult after spending such along time in tudying(6 years).So I want to change my field of study to medical science and other related heath sciences.please help me by finding a scholarship chance.

Mar 30, 2012, 05:42 AM
I think there ARE jobs for veterinarians throughout other African countries in the non profit sector, groups trying to save the wildlife, animal preserves, foreign universities studying wild animals. I'm sure your knowledge translates somewhat to wild animals? You must have entered this field because it's what you want to do. Start with World Wildlife Fund, the largest animal preserves, and if that fails, the bigger cities, even if it means moving far away to be a vet of domesticated animals. New Zealand and Australia, perhaps, if you are willing to go even further.

If you want to stay near home, then I am sorry I don't know of scholarships for medical schools.

I would also start a group of all the vets who are living at home with no jobs. You can help each other, more often than compete. You could design a website or a Facebook page. You never know what works.

Jun 2, 2012, 02:02 AM
My name is Beimnet, am a first year student at Arba Minch University. Am studying Architecture and am in a doubt of getting all that I should and fear for my future because what I wish is to explore and get a lot of skills and improve the scope of knowledge in Ethiopia. There is a lot to be done and all am thinking of is being out of Ethiopia for a better and tough experience of building designs and construction for the best qualification and strong base of a big destiny. I want to be very good in every aspect of design especially abroad. Is there any way out that I could fulfill my dreams and change the current state...

Jun 2, 2012, 03:46 AM
Hi Beimnet, I don't think you should despair either. You are a first year student and have plenty of time to see how the government is handling the future of cities and small villages. Urban planning, 'green' buildings, local materials, ways to cut the need for air conditioning with growing roofs and large overhangs - so many ways to specialize just for Ethiopia. A lot will depend on the economy and who is in power.
Yes, it may be best to go elsewhere for a while, and then go back to help your country. Many have done that.