View Full Version : Cash budget - help

Mar 22, 2012, 06:51 PM
I was able to calculate everything but the repayment and interest, I'm not to sure how to do it. The following information was given about it: the company had an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow increments of $10,000 at the beginning of each quarter, up to a total loan balance of $100,000. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month, and for simplicity, we will assume that interest is not compounded. The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end if the year. The company must maintain a minimum cash balance of at least $18,000.

I calculate an ending cash balance of $23,000 for quarter 1.

For quarter 2 I have a deficit of $42,000 and have to borrow $60,000. Ending cash balance is $18,000 ($448,000-490,000) 60,000.

Quarter 3 the ending cash balance is $18,500 ($541,000-$522,500).

Quarter 4 there's a deficit of $265,700. ($216,900-$481,600). I have to borrow $283,700 to have an ending balance of at least $18,000.

What do I do since the total loan balance is $100,000 and how and where do I I put the interest and repayment for quarter 2?

Mar 22, 2012, 07:08 PM
I made a mistake there's actually an excess of $85,300. ($566,900-481,600).

Can someone explain which quarter the interest and repayment would go and how to calculate those. Thanks!