View Full Version : Hip pain and leg giving way

Feb 27, 2012, 01:30 PM
I have hip pain on my groin line, it's a cross between aching and a sharp pain. It doesn't travel down my leg it just sits in that area. It seems to start to hurt when I walk for any considerable distance, and the more I exercise the worse it gets. After I have finished, it becomes really stiff, and hurts to lift, making getting into bed or up stairs a real chore.
Occasionally I also get muscle pain in my thigh which causes my leg to give way.
This is all in my left leg by the way.
I was wondering if anyone knew what this means? It could just be a muscle pain, but it's been going on over a few months now, and I don't remember any point where I noticed damaging it.

My mum has fused spine disks or something, and she's worried about it because my symptoms are the same as hers were before she was diagnosed.

Feb 27, 2012, 02:15 PM
Would help if we knew how old you are and male or female. Gender makes small difference and although we can't diagnose on AMHD, we can probably help somewhat.

I don't think it would be muscle or ligament related but rather, from your description, and your mother's spinal problems.

Sounds more like asteoarthritis, and I would suggest seeing your doctor for a bone density in the general area of your hips.

Feb 28, 2012, 09:07 AM
Would help if we knew how old you are and male or female. Gender makes small difference and although we can't diagnose on AMHD, we can probably help somewhat.

I dont think it would be muscle or ligament related but rather, from your description, and your mother's spinal problems.

Sounds more like asteoarthritis, and I would suggest seeing your doctor for a bone density in the general area of your hips.

I'm a girl and I'm almost 16, about the same age as my mum when she first started getting symptoms

Feb 28, 2012, 11:32 AM
Nip in the bud now then, so you will have a headstart getting the problem under control. See your doctor for a bone density test as I suggested, and good luck, and good health !