View Full Version : Do I Have Labyrinthitis?

Feb 13, 2012, 07:55 PM
For a month I've been feeling light-headed, off balance and dizzy when I walk, like my head is heavy. And I have no idea why .I ve tried healthy diet, sleep and activity,
Blood test but doctor says I'm fine as I'm not sick. Though not as bad as day 1 it is gradually getting better. I heard that an inner ear infection(Labyrinthitis)can make you feel dizzy, for weeks. And the symptoms seem to match because what happened was I got a really bad ear infection so bad that my glands were swollen, then it went away. The next day I rode an elevator as soon as I walked out I felt extremely dizzy I had to sit down for it to pass. Family and friend don't believe me as I look fine. Could a bad ear infection transfer into inner ear making you dizzy, off balance
So do I have Labyrinthitis or something else
Should I seek medical help or will it heal on its own.

My symptoms are light headed, off balanced ,dizzy, ears ringing.