View Full Version : Congestive heart failure with pain above waist on right side with rib pain

Feb 13, 2012, 08:43 AM
What could be the cause of pain or soreness on right side above waist, also shortness of breath

Mar 7, 2012, 05:31 PM
Could be something with your liver but you'll have to be a bit more specific on location.
It could also be a digestive issue. If it's more of the rib cage area I'd say maybe a problem with the pleura of the lungs which could be a result of the edema from the congestive heart failure.

Where exactly is the pain coming from do you think? (Sometimes people have referred pain when the heart is effected that effects other parts of the body)
Is the shortness of breath from the heart failure or something else? (this is common as the edema from the heart can effect the lungs)