View Full Version : My rats has a clenched left paw

Feb 12, 2012, 10:57 AM
We just got our two pet rat boys today from our local rat breeder, they are 5 months old. We've recently brought them home, and noticed that our Siamese Dumbo named Walter, often clenches his left paw. When he walks, he will lay his paw flat out with no problems but seems as though no weight can be put on it, so he walks with a slight limp. He holds his food perfectly fine and cleans himself without a struggle, but mostly uses his right paw to do most things. He doesn't squeak when he walks on his paw, or when his paw is lay out flat, but it seems every time he lifts his arm, his paw clenches automatically. I don't know if this could be a birth defect which isn't something to worry about, or whether he may have a neurological disorder? Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)

Mar 15, 2012, 01:34 PM
We are having the same trouble at the moment, except our rat walks with his paw clenched. Some people on the rat forum I go on have said it could be the beginning of a pituitary tumour. I really hope not. Off to the vets tomorrow for a check up with the whole mischief.

It could have been damaged from him landing funny, it's probably best to get it checked out. If you are new to rats (or not) this is a good forum... http://www.fancyratsforum.co.uk/

Good luck