View Full Version : Is hand twitching a sign that something is wrong with my hand or arm?

Feb 9, 2012, 03:44 PM
For the past two days, my left hand has been twitching uncontrollably off and on, and I don't know what could be causing it. I've never had it happen before and I just thought it was weird because it was just out of the blue. Is this normal and am I just being too paranoid?

Mar 7, 2012, 05:46 PM
Do you have any other symptoms? Stuttering or anything? What type of twitching is is... just muscle spasms or is your whole arm moving? Have you been under high stress lately? How's your diet?

It could be any number of things that are actually physically wrong to something like a psychological disorder. There was a thing in NY where people were coming down with random muscle jerking and it turns out these people all had conversion disorders which can be triggered by stress and causes a wide array of neurological symptoms that are very real when physically nothing is wrong. It could also be something like nerve damage or a neurological disease such as myclonous which may indicate epilepsy. It could even be something simple like not getting enough potassium or magnesium in your diet both of which can cause twitching.

If it continues and you are really worried to see a doctor they can get some blood work and will probably order a CT scan and ECG to rule out anything that's really serious. They can also probably tell from the type of twitching what it may be.

Something similar happened to me last year it started with stuttering just a little bit and the next thing I knew I totally lost control of my arm and speech. It went away for the most part after almost 6 months but if can still be triggered by random stuff. I thought I was being paranoid at first too... don't think that it can delay treatment if you really need it. I wasn't able to get a diagnosis but if your sick you have to do something about it. Anyway, doctors are used to seeing all sorts of people paranoid and otherwise. It's their job =-)