View Full Version : Ear itching like CRAZY!

Feb 3, 2012, 09:35 AM
My inner ear has been itching like crazy! It almost feels like there are bugs in there (I know, sounds gross). I don't have any other symptoms, no sore or scratch throat... Its just ALL IN MY RIGHT EAR! It is driving me crazy! I have tried peroxide thinking it was ear wax, but that didn't help. I clean my ears regularly so I'm stumped at what the heck could be going on. Anyone have any idea? Thanks!

Feb 4, 2012, 05:44 PM
Awe I have that same problem now I had ottitis media a couple months back on September 2011 and now I have very itchy left ear I don't know what to do I poke it with tooth pick I know I shouldn't but is wayyyy to itchy nit always but when it does.. Ohh boy it itches.. Im only 18 (this happends to anyone any age)

Feb 6, 2012, 08:11 AM
You can have dry skin in your ear/eczema (that is what the doctor told me mine was) I AM NOT DIAGNOSING. I would suggest a visit to a doctor to see what it is.