View Full Version : Help with Obit samples?

Jan 19, 2012, 01:51 AM
Obituary Samples

I'm not good at writing. My grandpa is getting old and sickly. I may be the one designated

To take care of all the mumbojumbo. Im not prepared. Ditto for if I die I don't want to

Burden them with all this stuff although the funeral parlor probably has generic ones

Since funerals cost so much it's the least they should do for you, everything.

Anyway, if anyone had recent deaths in the family, my condolences and RIP. Or if you

Have a prepared one, please share! Or a link to samples. Thanks, just say no to Sopa

Jan 19, 2012, 04:25 AM
Veronica, why don't you wait until your granpa passes to take care of all the 'mumbojumbo' as you put it. At that time, your heart will be in what you say about him after he passes. It will be a celebration of his life, as it should be.